5e Race Reviews: Loxodon


by Prince Phantom

Everyone needs a big elephant friend! Loxodon are another race that seeks to fulfill the “big tough strong guy” fantasy, and I’d say they definitely do that job better than most similar races do. They’ve also got a unique feature that could potentially be built around, so let’s get into it.

Loxodon Features

  • Powerful Build: This is mostly a ribbon feature that will only ever come up if your table tracks encumbrance, and at those tables this actually feels very nice, basically doubling your carrying capacity. Those types of tables are few and far between though.

  • Loxodon Serenity: Advantage versus charm and frighten effects covers a lot of mental saves you’ll be making, so this is a great feature. You may still want to gain proficiency in Wisdom saves if you plan on playing into high levels, as advantage won’t help you if the save DC you need to meet is too high for any roll to reach.

  • Natural Armor: This is one of the weaker racial armor features, but it is notable that this is the only one that works off of our Constitution. Still, for most characters you will be better off wearing armor or taking a one level dip into a class to get armor proficiencies.

  • Keen Smell: You might be thinking to yourself that you never make checks involving scent, but that’s just because you never ask to! There’s quite a lot that can be determined through scent, and if you ask to make checks with it most DMs will oblige. Play to your strengths and you’ll find a lot of uses for this.

  • Trunk: Right, let’s address the extra appendage in the room. This thing can lift a substantial amount of weight, can be used as a 5ft snorkel, can do just about anything a hand can do, can grapple (very helpful), but cannot wield a weapon or shield or perform the somatic components for spells or use tools. Grapple builds can use this the best, as they can still attack with two handed weapons while holding someone. This makes the Loxodon one of the premier selections for grapple builds, and gives them a very nice niche.

The Loxodon doesn’t stand out much at first, but grapple builds absolutely love this race. I can’t necessarily recommend this for any other type of build, but there are plenty of creative things you can do with the trunk, so if your build needs one of those things than you won’t be disappointed with being an elephant boy.

Final Rating: 3/5

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